Group Retreats

Your Perfect Sedona Retreat

Investing in yourself is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, wherever you are on your journey. Whether you are looking to let go of your past and deepen your healing or whether you are on a spiritual quest to understand who are truly are, or whether you would like to reconnect to your divine nature in our sacred nature here in Sedona, we will meet you where you are – without judgment – and bring you to a higher place with a broader perspective.

Invest in yourself, join a group & experience a holistic transformation of yourself & your life!

Join Melina & Gigi in Sedona for a Group Retreat

Unlike large retreat companies, with Gigi and Melina, you will experience a personalized and individualized approach whether you choose a private retreat or a group retreat. During most of the group retreats you will be with us personally, and when we bring in another practitioner, we work with only experienced and dedicated holistic practitioners. Whether for reconnecting with nature and your innate spirituality or healing or empowerment, spiritual growth, or aligning with your life purpose, we will adapt our group retreats depending on the individuals choosing to work with us.

3-Day Group Healing Retreat

Future Healing Retreats

January 12-15, 2024

Evening Arrival – Meet & Greet

  • Check-in at Sedona Infinity Spa
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Getting to know your Spirit Mentors
  • Conscious Breathwork
  • Halo Therapy in the Salt Room
  • Cacao Ceremony or Sedona Tea Ceremony
  • Retreat Logistics Overview

Day 1 – Releasing

    • Morning Detox Juice
    • Grounding Experiential to release early childhood trauma and to create an energized life force
    • Pendulum Chakra & Aura Readings & Assessments
    • Alchemy Bar – Essential Oils for Healing
    • Red Light Therapy for Cellular Regeneration
    • Land Journey with Reiki Healing & Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Healing
    • Releasing Ceremony
    • Chi-gong & Self-massage for Healing
    • Introspection & Journaling

Day 2 – Healing

  •  Morning Detox Juice
  • Self-healing Vortex Journey on the land connecting with one of Sedona’s powerful vortexes & experiential on our inner vortexes
  • Trauma Yoga
  • Energy Consciousness Training on Emotions & Thoughts
  • Halo Therapy in the Salt Room
  • Red Light Therapy for Cellular Regeneration
  • Massage with Essential Oils
  • Brennan Healing Science Energy Healing Session
  • Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy 
  • Introspection & Journaling

    Day 3 – Expanding

      • Morning Detox Juice
      • Breathwork Healing Session
      • Individuation & Empowerment Session to initiate real transformation in your life
      • Healing Limiting Beliefs experiential session
      • Healing Waters Rebirth Challenge
      • Embracing & Integrating our Inner Healer
      • Integration & Closing Session

    3-Day Group Nature Retreat

    Future Nature Retreats

    March 28-31, 2024

    Evening Arrival – Meet & Greet

    • Check-in at Sedona Infinity Spa
    • Opening Ceremony
    • Getting to know your Spirit Mentors
    • Conscious Breathwork
    • Halo Therapy in the Salt Room
    • Cacao Ceremony or Sedona Tea Ceremony
    • Retreat Logistics Overview

    Day 1 – Reconnecting, Releasing & Healing

    • Connecting with Sacred Sedona & Mother Earth
    • Understanding the land of Sedona, geological & Native American history
    • Ancient Plant Medicine
    • Grounding Guided Meditation – the heartbeat of Mother Earth
    • Releasing Ceremony
    • Reiki Energy Work & Crystal Bowl Sound Healing on the Land

    Day 2 – Healing, Expanding & Manifesting

    • Vortex Energy Consciousness Training
    • Hike & Vortex Journey
    • Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Therapy
    • Journaling
    • Manifesting our True Authentic Self
    • Life Purpose Manifesting

    Day 3 – Embracing & Celebrating

    • Labyrinth Experience
    • Sufi Heart Moving Meditation
    • Healing Waters Rebirth Challenge
    • Embracing & Integrating our Chosen New Path
    • Cardinal Directions Ceremony
    • Integration & Closing Session

    3-Day Group Spiritual Retreat

    Future Spiritual Retreats

    November 9-12, 2023

    February 16-19, 2024

    Evening – Meet & Greet

    • Check-in at Sedona Infinity Spa
    • Opening Ceremony
    • Getting to know your Spirit Mentors & Guides
    • Conscious Breathwork & Guided Meditation to let go of attachments
    • Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy in the Salt Room
    • Cacao Ceremony or Sedona Tea Ceremony
    • Retreat Logistics Overview

    Day 1 – Expanding

    • Morning Guided Meditation
    • Incarnation Commitment & Grounding to anchor higher vibrations
    • Psychic Chakra & Aura Readings
    • Tarot/Oracle Card Readings
    • Empowerment Session & Meditation on the Land to connect to our co-creator abilities
    • Releasing Ceremony with Himalayan Singing Bowl Sound Healing
    • Energy Work, Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy, & Halo Therapy in the Salt Room

    Day 2 – Manifesting

    • Morning Guided Meditation
    • Understanding the Level of Intentionality through Energy-Consciousness Training
    • Intuition & Inner Vision Experiential
    • Holding Higher Vibrations Training
    • Connecting to Spirit through Automatic Writing
    • Manifesting our True Authentic Self
    • Life Purpose Manifesting to help you integrate consciously and experientially

    Day 3 – Celebrating

    • Morning Guided Meditation
    • Labyrinth Experience
    • Sufi Heart Moving Meditation
    • Embracing & Integrating our Alignment with Spirit
    • Integration & Closing Ceremony

    Come On In

    Halotherapy Sessions