

Halo & Sound Therapy 

Fridays at 5:oopm

$85 per person

Align your Spiritual Energy with sound therapy through crystal bowls and salt therapy (halotherapy).  Sound therapy reduces stress and anxiety, creating a balanced immune system, while halotherapy improves the respiratory system.

Private sessions are also available. Contact us for more info!

If you cannot book the day you prefer, private sessions are available $100 per person.

Call if you have any questions, 928-821-0539

Meditation Training & Mentoring w/Melina

A personalized 1-on-1 Approach

Are you struggling with your meditation practice and interested in experiencing its benefits?

Explore a Unique Approach to Meditation

If you have struggled with meditation but are interested in experiencing its benefits, one-on-one meditation training and mentoring may be the solution for you. I will help you create your own personalized Meditative Practices that uniquely are effective for you and your goals.